Printable 2026 calendar for the United Kingdom in PDF format. Saturdays, Sundays, and bank holidays are marked in color. Print the 2026 calendar for free in perfect vector quality. A yearly calendar displaying all months of 2026 with week numbers included.
Previous year (UK 2025) • Next year (UK 2027)
Bank or Public Holidays 2026 in the United Kingdom:
January 1st: New Year's Day
April 3rd: Good Friday
April 6th: Easter Monday
May 4th: Early May Day Bank Holiday
May 25th: Late May Bank Holiday
August 31st: August Bank Holiday
December 25th: Christmas
December 26th: Boxing Day
December 28th: Boxing Day Holiday
January 2nd: New Year Holiday (Scotland)
March 17th: Saint Patrick's Day (Northern Ireland)
July 12th: Battle of the Boyne (Northern Ireland)
July 13th: Battle of the Boyne Holiday (Northern Ireland)
August 3rd: August Bank Holiday (Scotland)
November 30th: St Andrew's Day (Scotland)