Candied Orange Peel Label Boutique

Free Candied Orange Peel Label for Jars PDFThis treat involves simmering orange peels in sugar syrup until they become translucent and then drying them. Candied orange peels are enjoyed as a sweet snack, or used as a decorative and flavorful addition to various baked goods.

Elevate your homemade Candied Orange Peel jars with our free, vintage-style label templates! Ideal for fans of home canning, these elegant labels are available for download in a Letter-size PDF format. Each file contains eight oval labels that are simple to print, cut, and apply. These beautiful labels will add a touch of sophistication to your kitchen shelves, perfectly complementing your delicious candied orange creations. Start personalizing your jars today and showcase your culinary craft with style!

Orange Preserve Label Collection
Candied Fruit Label Collection
Jar and Bottle Haven